LGBTQmed, OUTmed, and Office of Diversity Programs with Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion are so excited to start another year of the OUTmentor Program. OUTmentor is a program for SGM/LGBTQIA+ identifying individuals to build community, foster professional development, and engage in LGBTQIA+ advocacy. If interested, please sign up here. We are excited to announce the expansion of OUTmentor to include MD and PhD based program trainees and faculty associated with the School of Medicine.
Program Description: Mentorship “families” will remain within the same degree (MD or PhD). Families consist of a faculty member, 2 advanced trainees (resident/fellow or post-doc), and 2 student trainees (MD, MSTP, PhD). Each family will be paired with another “sibling family.” Program participants are expected to participate for one academic year, and faculty members will be asked to facilitate 2 meetings with their own family, and 1 meeting with their sibling family. There will be a large group event for all program participants, and ongoing programming related to mentorship throughout the year.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, our first event will be through Zoom. There will be 3 dates to choose from. If you are interested in participating as a mentor/mentee, please complete this sign up form. The feedback survey is anonymous, and it will redirect you to the OUTmentor signup form. Please forward if you know someone who may be interested.
Please register by 12/1/2021.
If you have questions, please contact the OUTmentor Director, Dr. Meghan Campbell ( for the PhD trainees/faculty; OUTmed Director Dr. Tony Dao ( for MD residents/fellows/faculty; or LGBTQ+med Co-Leader Erika Schneider-Smith ( for MD/MSTP students.