WUPT Receives APTA Minority Initiatives Award

This award recognizes PT programs that have successfully demonstrated ongoing initiatives to assist minority students for at least three consecutive years. The criteria used in selecting the award recipient are: Planned, comprehensive initiatives have been developed by the program that can assist in the recruitment, admission, retention, and graduation of minority students that demonstrate effectiveness, […]


Please join WUSM LGBTQmed with co-sponsorship from ODEI for LGBTQIA+ Health Week! Check out the events below and we look forward to you joining us. LGBTQIA+ Health Week: Intersections of LGBTQIA+ and African American Health in St. Louis (Hybrid) 12-1pm on Friday, April 1st, 2022 in Holden Auditorium – Zoom link: https://wustl-hipaa.zoom.us/j/96169097133 -Lunch talk and presentation with […]

PRIDE Program Summer 2022

Programs to Increase Diversity Among Individuals Engaged in Health-Related Research PROGRAMS FOR UNDERREPRESENTED JUNIOR FACULTY The National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) PRIDE Programs to Increase Diversity Among Individuals Engaged in Health-Related Research are now accepting applications. Space is limited for the 2022 mentored training programs so apply early! […]

WUSM AMWA Period Supply Drive

In collaboration with AMWA and the St. Louis Alliance for Period Supplies, we would like to announce a period supplies collection drive. The St. Louis Alliance for Period Supplies ensures individuals have access to essential period products. These items will be donated to individuals through a network of community partners.


PRIDE mentorship provided the foundation to build my work, allowed me to think outside the box, and provided an opportunity to build lasting collaborations with PRIDE cohorts and mentors, and to jointly publish and write grants. PRIDE provides an amazingly enriching experience and I strongly recommend it.” – PRIDE Mentee, 2008

Department of Anesthesiology: Herrera named inaugural associate vice chair for well-being

Having been at Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Hospital since she was a patient care tech prior to nursing school, Ms. Herrera, CRNA, brings a love of the institution and contextual awareness, along with a critical understanding of recruitment and retention, and experience in navigating the challenges of clinical service, leadership, family, and proficiency in programming. In this new Associate Vice Chair role, Ms. Herrera will work closely with the Vice Chair for Professional Development and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and will develop and implement innovative well-being programs in the department.

Department of Anesthesiology: Ablordeppey named Inaugural Vice Chairs for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

After an extensive search with many impressive applicants, we are thrilled to announce that Enyo Ablordeppey, MD, MPH, has been selected as the inaugural Associate Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.  Michael S. Avidan, MBBCh, FCASADr. Seymour and Rose T. Brown Professor of AnesthesiologyHead of the Department of Anesthesiology Scott D. Markowitz, MDVice Chair for Professional Development […]