Shining a light on Black women physicians

From the Civil War to the 21st century, Black women have fought to become physicians. A new book by Jasmine Brown, AB ’18, tells the story of the barriers Black women pursuing a career in medicine have faced throughout ­history. ­Published in January, Twice as Hard ­(Beacon Press) shines a light on the achievements of these ­women, often ignored or forgotten.


Please join WUSM LGBTQmed with co-sponsorship from ODEI for LGBTQIA+ Health Week! Check out the events below and we look forward to you joining us. LGBTQIA+ Health Week: Intersections of LGBTQIA+ and African American Health in St. Louis (Hybrid) 12-1pm on Friday, April 1st, 2022 in Holden Auditorium – Zoom link: -Lunch talk and presentation with […]