
Native American Heritage Month 2021

Native American Heritage Month

November 2021

November is Native American Heritage Month and we are happy to be sharing opportunities for you to honor, recognize and learn more about the First Nations/American Indian/Indigenous communities in our regional and national community!  Below are events that our office is hosting as well as events and resources to support your observance of this important heritage month.

Perspectives: Learning from the Lakota – (we are offering two dates of this program)

This event aims to help illuminate a more accurate history of our Indigenous/American Indian People in the U.S. context and understand how that history is impacting the present. 

The Myth of the Thanksgiving Story: Transforming our Relationship to this Beloved Holiday

This event aims to deepen our awareness of the truth around the first Thanksgiving and how we grapple with that truth as we continue valued family time and traditions.

Additional Events and Resources for Native American Heritage Month: